Student Leadership Opportunities

Newly admitted students and their families are looking for meaningful guidance and advice to help them in their transition to Carolina. At New Student & Family Programs (NSFP), we believe there's no one better positioned to help offer that guidance than our current students.

We offer an abundance of leadership opportunities for current students to demonstrate to new students and families just how amazing the Carolina experience can be. These are ideal opportunities for current students to establish themselves as a trusted advisor and friend to incoming students, while at the same time developing solid leadership skills that will stay with them forever.

Why apply to be an NSFP Student Leader?

Each of the NSFP Student Leader positions are aligned to Carolina Excellence in Action competencies of Self-Awareness, Critical Thinking, and Communication to provide students with a holistic learning experience that contributes to their personal and professional development. 


The NSFP Student Leader training curriculum and positions are intentionally designed such that upon completion of the appointment, NSFP Student Leaders will be able to…

  • Identify personal strengths, skills, values, and identity.
  • Demonstrate personal responsibility for actions and decisions.
  • Represent themselves and the University in a professional manner.
  • Recognize and appreciate diverse perspectives.

Critical Thinking

The NSFP Student Leader training curriculum and positions are intentionally designed such that upon completion of the appointment, NSFP Student Leaders will be able to…

  • Identify and apply concepts related to team leadership, group dynamics, collaboration, and facilitation.
  • Adapt to change and actively solve problems.


The NSFP Student Leader training curriculum and positions are intentionally designed such that upon completion of the appointment, NSFP Student Leaders will be able to…

  • Manage conflict with civility and respect for others.
  • Cultivate an environment that is inclusive, civil and welcoming.
  • Effectively communicate in large and small group settings.
  • Engage across differences.

Job Knowledge

The NSFP Student Leader training curriculum and positions are intentionally designed such that upon completion of the appointment, NSFP Student Leaders will be able to…

  • Understand the issues related to first-year students', transfer students', and families’ transitional experiences.
  • Identify campus resources and provide appropriate referral information.
  • Effectively manage multiple tasks and responsibilities.
  • Identify the value of self-reflection for personal development.
  • Facilitate proactive transitional support for new first year and transfer students and Carolina family members.


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