First-Year Orientation - Day 2 Locations & Overflow Parking Pass

First-Year Orientation Day 2 Locations

The drop-downs below will help guide participants to their More Than Just a Major (MTJAM) and Ready, Set, Register (RSR) locations and provide directions.

More Than Just A Major (MTJAM) Locations

Partners in Transition: Part 2 Location - Parent/Family/Supporters Only

Parents, family members and student supporters should proceed to Hamilton Hall Room 100 for their Partners in Transition Part 2 session following conclusion of the More Than Just A Major (MTJAM) sessions. You can view Hamilton Hall on the map below marked in the top right corner by a Carolina blue star.

Ready, Set, Register (RSR) Locations - Student Access Only

Students should follow this link for information on RSR locations: RSR Map and List
(ONYEN log-in required to access)

Manning Lot Overflow Parking Codes

Orientation Overflow Parking – Manning Lot (click for map)
When Rams Parking Deck is full or parking was NOT requested during the registration process, you can use Manning Lot. The address is 238 Manning Dr., Chapel Hill, NC.

  • Visit ParkMobile at
  • Enter the code below, that corresponds with your session.
Session NumberSession DateParking Code
21Monday, August 12 - Tuesday, August 1300nsfofy21
22Tuesday, August 13 - Wednesday, August 1400nsfofy22
23Thursday, August 1500nsfotr23
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